Thursday, October 8, 2009

Paris Hilton Is A Monster! Picture

Paris Hilton Is A Monster!

Next Thursday, Miz Paris Hilton will be appearing on The CW’s Supernatural as herself… with a twist.
P will be playing “a monster who takes the form of Paris Hilton,” says show creator Eric Kripke.
Kripke told reporters that the show writers kept a wish list of celebs they were hoping would appear on the program to deliver a “satirical monologue on modern celebrity,” and the heiress graced the very top of that list!
“We never expected in a million years that she would do it, but I spoke to her and she got the joke immediately and signed on quickly,” Kripke revealed.
So how did Paris’ acting gig go overall?
“I give her a lot of credit for being a hell of a good sport,” Kripke insisted. “The fact that she was game to play the part speaks volumes about her sense of humor.”
Congrats, P!

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