Saturday, April 4, 2009

The 2 Faced Pakistani Real Picture | Must Read Article for Every Pakistani

The 2 Faced Pakistani Real Picture | Must Read Article for Every Pakistani
Miss Pakistan who participated in beauty contest

The 2 Faced Pakistani Real Picture | Must Read Article for Every Pakistani

Girl Flogged By Taliban

Pakistan is becoming a very strange land where on one hand there is taliban who blows girls school , flogs girl and is against any freedom for girls and on another hand there are people who believe in freedom.

Here is the Video and the News

The Pakistani Taliban publicly flogged a 17-year-old girl in the Swat valley, accusing her of violating Islamic law, according to a videotape aired by Pakistani stations. The girl in the video is held face down outdoors by three men and whipped by a fourth. The men have their faces covered partially covered with shawls and several dozen others watch the flogging. She screams in the Pushto language, begging them to stop and to forgive her. The man with the whip asks the others to keep her pinned down and tighten their grip.

The incident is the first widely reported allegation of brutality by Taliban since militants reached a peace accord with the government on February 16. Under the agreement, Sufi Muhammad, who leads Tehrik-e-Nifaaz Shariat Muhammadi pledged to end violence in return for the imposition of Islamic law in the valley, which is part of NWFP. “In which Islam is this allowed?” former human rights minister Ansar Burney told Express News television after stations began airing the video. “This is the most shameful act.”

Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan told the station that the girl was found leaving her house with an unrelated man and therefore had to be punished with 34 lashes. The girl was locked in a room after the flogging, the broadcaster said. “The video dates back to January and has nothing to do with the peace deal,” said Afrasiab Khattak, a leader from the Awami National Party, which governs NWFP.

Provincial minister Basheer Bilour told Express News television he doubted whether the flogging seen in the video was genuine. Bilour said he will investigate the incident and those involved will be punished if the beating is confirmed. It wasn’t immediately possible to independently verify the authenticity of the video.

The peace accord was aimed at ending 20 months of fighting by pro-Taliban clerics. Extremists have extended their grip in Swat since a similar peace agreement collapsed in July. They have destroyed over 180 schools, banned education for girls and beheaded government officials.

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