Super Model Beauty Secrets Exposed
Looking for the 'skinny' on super model beauty secrets? You've come to the right place! Ever wondered how Naomi Campbell or Claudia Schiffer manages to look so ravishing year after year? Or how Heidi Klum and Iman are so well turned out at all times? Simple. They have super model beauty secrets up their sleeves.Here's a great video clip where the Victoria Secrets models reveal their favorite super model beauty tips -- from drinking Tahitian Noni juice, using Victoria Secrets Bare Bronzer for a great glow to your skin, Heidi Klum's skin care line, to a great reminder to never sleep with your makeup on!
Super models swear by their make-up kits. These are the tools that see them through their numerous Fall-Winter, Autumn-Inverno and Spring-Summer shows. And the apparently elusive super model beauty secrets are nothing but the right makeup. The only secret to super model beauty secrets is that they know how to look beautiful.
They say it all depends on the groundwork, so super model beauty tips stress on the proper use of foundation. And the secret to it is to find one that is the closest to your natural skin tone. A lighter shade will give you an ashen look while a darker one will make you look painted.
And on the days when the models have to squeeze in a Victoria’s Secret, a Prada, and a Roberto Cavalli show all on the same day, a concealer helps them to hide away all those hideous dark circles. Cool slices of cucumber laid upon closed eyes for 10 minutes prior to foundation applications also works wonders. I once worked with a make-up artist who confided that all the models she worked with swore by Vaseline Intensive Care lotion for dark under eye circles. I cannot attest to this working as I never did try it but I always remembered that comment! She also confirmed that Preparation H works great for puffiness around the eyes . Now, I personally can't vouch for this one either as I've never tried it and I'd certainly ask my doctor before doing so!
The super model beauty secrets emphasize strongly on getting the eye makeup right. The eye makeup alone has the potential to project your desired look. The eye shadow used as eyeliner will give a soft, sensual look, while the liquid liner gives a more intense and dramatic look. Charcoal, dark brown or other dark shades of the eye-shadow make for a glamorous look.
However the truly super model look when it comes to the eye, is a pair of arched eyebrows. So a pair of tweezers and an eyebrow pencil are the must-haves in the make-up kit.
As for the lips, super model beauty tips insist on the lip liner to give a definite shape to the lips. In fact, lip liners are considered essential for performing some corrective treatments. Thus, small ‘barely-there’ mouths can be given an illusion of volume with overlining while droopy-cornered mouths can be corrected with upward strokes of the liner.
After the blusher routine, put on some translucent powder. As you sashay down the ramp amidst the glaring arc lights, this powder will help prevent that shiny look on your face.
Ever wondered how those reed-thin super models get those awesome cleavages, without push-up bras? The secret is tape, pulled tightly around the body just below the chest.
Super model beauty secrets regarding hairstyle have only one thing to say: keep up with the latest trends. There’s nothing like a jaded and out-of-style hairstyle to make an entire ensemble fall apart.
However, no matter how much you look after your make-up and hairstyle, all super model beauty tips will not be as effective if you do not have a healthy skin and hair. Thus, super model beauty tips advise on the use of Epsom salts to soften the skin and also as an exfoliating agent. Fine Epsom Salt mixed with your cleanser will wipe away all traces of make-up and when added to your conditioner and warmed, gives that extra bounce and volume to limp hair.
But beyond the makeup and beauty secrets, the healthy glow to their face and hair and the spring in their steps can only be attributed to a healthy lifestyle. Super models follow these make-up and skin care tips religiously and apart from these, they eat right and exercise right. And don't forget the water! Models always emphasize the importance of drinking lots of water.
Remember, you don't need to spend lots of money on super model beauty secrets...see Cindy Crawford's quick and easy beauty tip and a great video by a Ford model explaining some all-natural beauty treatments you can make with ingredients you probably already have right in your own kitchen cabinets!
Super model beauty secrets, when followed diligently will not only give you looks to die for, but will also make for healthy lifestyle changes.

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